Ravens Power AG
Business model
The Headquarter of the Holding of Ravens Power AG is in Zug, Switzerland and manages all activities of Ravens Power companies. Determines the strategy and organization of Ravens Power.

Chooses regenerative technologies and sites, controls the use of technological innovations and is involved in systemic research.

The philosophy of Ravens Power is reflected in the organization of
Ravens Power AG: Transparency - Efficiency - Innovation - social skills

Founded: 17-02-2012
Share capital: 100,000 CHF
Equity: 3,500,000 CHF
Commercial register: CH- Canton Zug
VAT: CHE-263.533.355

Corporate purpose:
According to Art. 2 of the Articles of Association, the Company´s main activities are the acquisition, the permanent management and the sale of investments in domestic and foreign companies in the fields of renewable energy and environmental technology. Activities include project development, the operation of power plants, research promotion and the sale of projects.
Ravens Power

Lucas C. Wyrsch Chairman, Zug, CH; studied Physics and Economics. Occupation: Risk Manager and Actuary, Activities for Ernst & Young, and in the insurance industry.

Friedrich A. Breiteneder CEO, Zug, CH; studied Economics and College of Real Estate Development, Occupation: Businessman / technical engineer, working as a real estate developer, project developer in the area of renewable energies.

Gabriela Weiss-Diener CFO, Zug, CH; business education, development and administration of own real estate properties / financial service activities.

Henryk Jablonski COO, Szczecin PL; studied mechanical engineering and administrative law. Occupation: Administrative lawyer / Mechanical Engineer, Mayor, CEO of a German wind farm operator, currently Judge at the Court of Arbitration for administrative law Stettin.

Joos Consulting, Vienna in Austria
Dr. Walter Joos, MBA Emory USA, studied Law and Economics. Occupation: Legal adviser / business consultant, specialized in project development in the field of renewable energies.
Management and Executives